Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, I think we may be done with the rain for today. Over the weekend, our "lake" gained back all the water it had lost. Also, the creek that separates our complex from the business next door is so swollen right now. I'm going to try to get some pictures in the morning. I believe we have a flood warning until sometime tomorrow morning. I just went and looked at the creek again. It has gotten bigger since the last time I looked. The picture about was taken about 10:20 pm today. The pic is grainy as I had to take it without my flash in order to get the water to show up. I could not believe how big it had become.
I realize I'm complaining about rain when there are others that have faced much worse in the aftermath of the recent hurricanes. I grew up in NC so I completely understand the magnitude of hurricanes. My thoughts are with those that have been affected by the hurricanes.

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