Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New title picture

Well, I got my new picture up. I just took it this morning. I'm sitting in my computer chair. I need to get my butt out of the chair and get some housework done. I rearranged the kitchen yesterday and think I'm attacking the kids' room today. I also need to stop by the complex office and put in another maintenance request for our door. The paint on it had started bubbling and coming off in the winter. I informed the maintenance manager of it when it started. She stated that it would have to wait until the weather got warmer. I understood that. I guess nobody had made an acutal note of it because it never got done. I submitted a request earlier this month and they came and painted it. I think a better job could have been done on it. I need to take pictures before I go to the office. I do have pictures from when it first started "bubbling". I think the part that is bugging me the most about it is that they only scraped a small section and then painted the bare section. It is a very visible area when you are approaching our door. Also, they chose to paint the door with it closed even though I was home. Therefore, we have a border of the old paint around the entire door.

Well, talked to the office and they have told me that as long as the door keeps the heat/cold/rain out and isn't busted down that it is fine painted the way it is.

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